We are emerging from a challenging time. We may find ourselves stalled with old dreams falling away. Now is the moment when we get to create something new. New dreams, new habits, new identities.
Many will want to return to who they were before. Not you. You are ready to create something new. It is not easy to re-create ourselves. Our old patterns of what is comfortable for us and for others keep us stuck in conditioned, limiting behaviors, mindsets and beliefs.
We provide a strong container of support and accountability where you will receive the coaching, feedback, community and encouragement you need to become the best version of yourself.
Course Curriculum
Your Instructor
Your calling is to empower others. We develop your capacity. You have a gift. We turn your gift into mastery. You desire to create safe and dynamic containers for others to grow and thrive. We give you the tools you need to lead from an integrated, embodied place. Our programs serve as a journey of creation. Join our collective, learn from masters through modeling and practice, expand your capacity and reach.
Join Tirza, Maya and Sofia on your Embodied Leadership Journey